What's your favorite git tip? Is there a better way to do this that I don't know about? What's the deal with airline food? Ask me anything in that comments box down there.This article defines both Git rebase and merge, how they work, and how they’re similar and different. Thanks for reading! Keep reaching for those stars. I hope this makes your git branching a little smoother. This form will do the rebase but will only take the commits up to (and including). Turns out, the git rebase -onto form takes a third argument, which is the ending commit: git rebase -onto. We have this:Īnd we want to move the entire tree with feature-1 and feature-2 to be based off master.Īnd you want to rebase such that feature-1 is based off of master, but only contains commits i, j, k, and l. Now, we circle back to our original problem. If you're not sure, find the first commit you want to move, then look for its parent. Remember, we're working with bases, not with the commits to be moved. ☞ A common mistake is to set to the first commit you're trying to move- g, in the previous example. No problemo: just set the new base to master and the old base to g. After the rebase, we want feature-1 to be based off of master but only contain commits h and i. This time, though, commit g is no good and we want to omit it. We want to rebase feature-1 off of master. Suppose we have the same git history as in our last example: Now that we have -onto in our toolbelt, we can use it to solve more complicated rebase problems. git rebase master is just shorthand for git rebase -onto master, where git automatically determines for us based on the most common use case. This looks exactly the same as when we did git rebase master. What is the old base? To find that, we need to trace through feature-1 and find where feature-1 intersects with master. It has the form git rebase -onto, where is the current base of the tree we want to move. The -onto option allows us to specify both the old and new bases. We need to be able to tell git both.Įnter the -onto option. This simple form receives the new base, but we can't provide it with the old base-git calculates that for us. This works perfectly for simple cases, but it can't help us with our original problem. to reflect that these are actually different commits with different SHAs, even though the content of each is the same.) If we check out feature-1 and run git rebase master, git will find feature-1's base-which is b-and change it to be the commit at master- which is f: git-rebase works on the current HEAD (which is almost always the currently checked out branch), so this form takes the current branch and changes its base to be the commit at. The simplest way to do this (and the form everyone knows) is git rebase. In other words, we move it to somewhere else in the history.

To rebase, then, is to take a commit (or series of commits) and change its base. A commit's base is its previous (or parent) commit. The important thing here is the word base. If we check the docs for git-rebase, we get the following definition: Reapply commits on top of another base tip The first thing we need to understand is what a rebase even is. Take my hand and let's go on a trip through git rebase and unearth the secrets. How can we get there? Usually, I solve this in a couple of workable but tedious and annoying ways. What we ultimately want to end up with is this: We can't fix it by rebasing feature-2 off feature-1.

We can see j, k, l, and m like we expect, but we still have g, h, and i in there.
It has its commits, plus the feature-1 commits that were just rebased. Now, I check my git tree and uh-oh! feature-2 is all busted. When feature-1 is approved, I rebase it off master to prepare for merging. While I'm waiting for approval, I want to start working on a new feature, so I create a new feature branch off of feature-1-let's call that one feature-2.
I have a feature branch in code review-let's call it feature-1. Let me tell you about a problem I sometimes have.